Ed Raser, W2ZI — Part 1 |
Half-kilowatt spark transmitter “3CS” from 1919 to 1922, equipment is all home built, called it “Big Bertha,” receiver is regenerative 150-700 meters with Moorhead Audion Detector and 2stage amplifier. Commercial marble base key and Baldwin phones.
Amateur radio-wise, Ed having passed through all the various stages of spark transmission from 1⁄4 inch spark coil to the booming 1 KW sync-spark set in the middle 20’s, he finally saw the light when a little 7 l⁄2 watt tube began to run rings around his “Big Bertha.” In late 1924 he gave in to the less noisy tweet of the CW signal. Then came the 5 watt “Colpitts” and “TNT” circuits, with basketweave coils and honey-comb tuners, all of which led up to the present pretty desk-top gear of today (1961).
1961 above — National NC-100, Collins 75A4 receivers, Viking Ranger and Collins 32V3 transmitters and Johnson Match Box tuner.
Mrs. Paulie Raser, XYL, operating “3CS” 1 Kw spark set, remote controlled in cellar, 1923. Receivers from left, Long wave, and Paragon RA-6 short wave receiver.
Ed’s last 1 kW rig, on the right, and 75 W phone set behind the mil.
1928 shack receivers and controls for remote transmitter in attic, right. |
1928 - 50-watt “Hartley” transmitter in the attic, remotely controlled from the shack, left. Antenna used - semi vertical cage with “V” type counterpoise. |
Ed Raser’s 1914 wireless shack at his mother’s home. |
Ed’s first 1⁄2 Kw spark rig at his mothers home, gear all hand made, Leyden jars were mothers fruit jars filled with salt water, worked FB! |
John Dilks, K2TQN 125 Warf Road, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234-8501 e-mail: K2TQN@arrl.net