Updated 12-15-2011

January 2012 Column


Ed Raser, W2ZI — Part 1
Half-kilowatt spark transmitter “3CS” from 1919 to 1922, equipment is all home built, called it “Big Bertha,” receiver is regenerative 150-700 meters with Moorhead Audion Detector and 2stage amplifier. Commercial marble base key and Baldwin phones.

Amateur radio-wise, Ed having passed through all the various stages of spark transmission from 1⁄4 inch spark coil to the booming 1 KW sync-spark set in the middle 20’s, he finally saw the light when a little 7 l⁄2 watt tube began to run rings around his “Big Bertha.” In late 1924 he gave in to the less noisy tweet of the CW signal. Then came the 5 watt “Colpitts” and “TNT” circuits, with basketweave coils and honey-comb tuners, all of which led up to the present pretty desk-top gear of today (1961).

1961 above — National NC-100, Collins 75A4 receivers, Viking Ranger and Collins 32V3 transmitters and Johnson Match Box tuner.

Mrs. Paulie Raser, XYL, operating “3CS” 1 Kw spark set, remote controlled in cellar, 1923. Receivers from left, Long wave, and Paragon RA-6 short wave receiver.
Ed’s last 1 kW rig, on the right, and 75 W phone set behind the mil.
1928 shack receivers and controls for remote transmitter in attic, right.
1928 - 50-watt “Hartley” transmitter in the attic, remotely controlled from the shack, left. Antenna used - semi vertical cage with “V” type counterpoise.
Ed Raser’s 1914 wireless shack at his mother’s home.
Ed’s first 1⁄2 Kw spark rig at his mothers home, gear all hand made, Leyden jars were mothers fruit jars filled with salt water, worked FB!

John Dilks, K2TQN    125 Warf Road, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234-8501   e-mail: K2TQN@arrl.net